B. Suggested topics for consideration:
Doctrinal rights. The right to be theologically evaluated as are other members of society; the right to be as free from religious denunciation as anyone; the right to have homosexual love accorded no lower rank than heterosexual love.
2. Institutional rights. The right to take active part in church work; to hold church offices without preJudioo; to oqual treatment as a church member.
Rights of equity. The right to be free of religiously-imposed mask-wearing (hypocritical behavior); the right to equal treatment by both clergy and organizations, 1.0., to official attitudes in conformity with actual practices.
The right to ohurch-approved homosexual marriage for those who wish it.
The right to freedom from religious interferonco (for the non-religious).
The homosexual must tolerate organizod religion in the 11teral sense of the word. Homosexual love should not bo considered different from heterosexual love. The clergy should be the first to be informed of the true nature of the homosexual.
The homosexual should have the right to take part in church work to whatever extent he wishes without disoriminati on.
There nood be no conflict between homosexuality and religion. The clergy can meet the homosexual on his own le vol not force him to go to theirs and perhaps find rejection. In organized religion the label "homosexual" blots out the man and brings forth one aspect of him; therefore it should be dropped.
The committee was in agreement that there is no valid